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Selecting Treatment

When drug or alcohol addiction is a factor in your life, there is no one-size-fits-all method of care that will work for everyone.  Some people can use drugs or alcohol for recreational purposes and never fall victim to addiction while others may use a drug once and become instantly dependent on the drug.  The best chance you have at recovery is to select a drug rehab clinic that offers the right combination of medical care, counseling, therapy and support for your individual needs.

No two rehab clinics are the same and though many offer similar methods of treatment and care with a foundation on counseling and therapy, every drug rehab clinic is different.  When you begin your search for the right type of treatment for yourself or someone you love, you will have to approach the process in a manner similar to that which you would take to approach finding a doctor or finding a job.  Research will be necessary, you’ll want to ask many questions and the end decision will be based on a number of different factors.

Consider asking the following questions before you choose a drug rehab clinic for yourself or someone you love:

Is individual care provided and are rehab programs tailored to my needs?

You’ll want to make sure that the program you choose is tailored specifically to your individual treatment goals and needs.  This will include the tailoring of physical care, medical care, counseling, therapy and the approach to each of these methods of care.  Seeking a program of treatment that will take each of your needs into consideration and tailor the treatment to your needs ensures your best chance at recovery.

Is the rehab clinic licensed and are counselors and other staff members accredited?

Any real drug rehab clinic that provides effective care will have qualified staff members including certified drug counselors, therapists and psychologists on site.  Make sure that you ask about certifications, accreditation and other licensing factors when selecting a treatment program to provide you with the best possible care.

What level of support is provided by the rehab clinic?

Some drug rehab clinics only offer outpatient care while others will provide residential services that include around-the-clock medical monitoring to ensure patient safety.  Depending on your level of addiction and the severity of the addiction, you may be in search of inpatient care or outpatient care.  Regardless of the type of care you choose, make sure that the program also offers follow-up care or aftercare to ensure your long-term recovery success.

Is insurance accepted?

If you have insurance, chances are you already have some type of coverage for drug or alcohol addiction treatment.  Ask the drug rehab clinic if they accept the insurance that you have and find out if there will be any associated fees, deductibles or other costs involved with using your insurance at the facility.